This site contains material that was formerly part of the Publications section of the Walsingham Anglican Archives website. These are a selection of the Shrine’s own publications: there are more in the archive collection. Its major publications - Our Lady’s Mirror and Walsingham Review - have a website of their own [see list below]. This section still awaits some tweaking, but it seems preferable to make it available again now, at last. The old website is now divided into four parts: the main site, containing the core information from the old site [this one] the ‘Publications’ section of the old site, except ‘Our Lady’s Mirror and its successors’ now on its own website [link below], and the Bibliography and Biographies of Fr Patten now included on the main site [link above] the ‘Our Lady’s Mirror and its successors’ section of the old site the ‘Medieval’ section of the old site © 2005-2025 WCTA Ltd unless otherwise stated

The Walsingham Archives

The Archives of the Anglican Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham


NAVIGATE VIA THE OVERVIEW PAGE which has a thumbnail and details of each item, and most thumbnails lead to the first page of the chosen booklet. You can return to the Overview Page, or to this one (Home), at any time. Alternatively, these links below will take you directly to the first page of the title you want, bypassing the thumbnails. Note that there are sometimes several pages for one title and more than one edition of it, all leading from the first link below Pilgrim Manuals (1928 and 1952) The Little Guide England’s Nazareth (Donald Hole) Pilgrimage: its History and Purpose England’s National Shrine of Our Lady* Our Lady of Walsingham Review (1928) Walsingham: Its Pilgrimage Past and Present Erasmus’s Description of the Sanctuary of OLW Walsingham Shrine and its Works Walsingham Everybody’s Guide Book Our Lady in England … England’s Nazareth (leaflet) The Pilgrimage of Our Lady of Walsingham Holy House Leaflet 1 Holy House Leaflet 3 Holy House Leaflet 4 The Method of Making … Pilgrimage The Site of the Shrine … *written in 1938, when the word ‘National’ was still in use for both shrines
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Enquiries are welcomed, as always, on any aspect of the whole Archives collection