This site contains material that was formerly part
of the Publications section of the Walsingham
Anglican Archives website. These are a selection of
the Shrine’s own publications: there are more in the
archive collection. Its major publications - Our Lady’s
Mirror and Walsingham Review - have a website of their
own [see list below].
This section still awaits some tweaking, but it seems
preferable to make it available again now, at last.
The old website is now divided into four parts:
the main site, containing the core information from
the old site [this one]
the ‘Publications’ section of the old site, except ‘Our
Lady’s Mirror and its successors’ now on its own
website [link below], and the Bibliography and
Biographies of Fr Patten now included on the main
site [link above] the ‘Our Lady’s Mirror and its
successors’ section of the old site
the ‘Medieval’ section of the old site
© 2005-2025 WCTA Ltd
unless otherwise stated
The Walsingham Archives
The Archives of the Anglican Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham
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Enquiries are welcomed, as always, on any aspect of the whole Archives collection