This is a copy of the text of the ‘Review’, a one-off publication produced early in the Restoration years. It gives a good description of the way of life and pilgrimage, before the building of the Holy House in 1931.
OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM : Founded c. 1063 [sic] A Review 1921 - 1928
Since the restoration of the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in 1921, devotion to Mary under her ancient and national title has been steadily growing among English-speaking Catholics throughout the world. At a time like the present, when those in high authority in the Church tolerate, and indeed encourage, and themselves promulgate opinions which are in direct opposition to the faith of undivided Christendom, devotion to the Blessed Virgin and all the fundamental truths therein implied, is of very great importance as a bulwark to the Catholic truth. The Shrine at Walsingham has therefore a very special significance, not necessarily shared, at least to such a marked extent, by other Sanctuaries of Our Lady. For as at Lourdes in the 19th Century, the Mother of God appeared to Blessed Bernadette to proclaim the truth of the Immaculate Conception; so here in our own land in the far off days of the 11th Century, the Holy Virgin is reported to have revealed herself to Richeldis de Favraches [sic] to inspire and re-inkindle the people of this land with a practical and lively faith in the primary facts of the Incarnation of the Son of God.
Hence we see the purpose for the direction given by the Blessed Virgin that a chapel should be built after the plan of the Santa Casa, which at that time is believed to have stood in the crypt, before the entrance to the cave of the Church of the Annunciation at Nazareth. The same house in which Mary had dwelt before and after the coming of the Archangel Gabriel, and in which "the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” (The building, which is commonly reported to have been translated to Loretto, in Italy, about two hundred years after our Shrine had been founded.) Such a Sanctuary in the past would be sure to stir up sentiments of piety and foster devotion. In the 20th Century, surrounded as we are by the hopeless confusion of so many people concerning the verity of the Divine Revelation; the ignorance evinced in the very rudiments of the Christian religion; this spot, once of world-wide reputation and influence, with its long tradition as a Holy Place, and its historic evidence to the faith of our Fathers, has a real place in the economy of the Church today. The ancient chapel has gone - the vast priory church has been razed to the ground - yet, for ever this place is England's " Holy Land”, the " Nazareth " of the Northern world. The Image representing the Mother of God with her Divine Son on her lap, the ancient Parish Church with its many memories, the site of the original Shrine, the Holy Wells, all combine to proclaim to the world the fact that the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, Very God, came to the Virgin Mary and took human nature and was born for us men and our salvation; and Christendom believed that the Ever Virgin Mary, under the Divine guidance, chose this place, in which a memorial should be erected in the form of a Shrine, witnessing to the truth of this celestial Mystery. During the past seven years Catholics have again begun to turn their steps towards this ancient and national Sanctuary, and each year the number of pilgrims seeking Walsingham increases. The honour, to a very large extent, of the revival of these pilgrimages rests wilt the officials of the League of Our Lady, who dared to make the great adventure when others stood aloof. Nowadays various societies and groups in rapidly growing numbers are following the lead set by the League, and conduct their own pilgrimages to Walsingham - while the L.O.L. continues to organise two Pilgrimages annually, one in May and the other in August. It was to a bare little Chapel that Our Lady's image was borne on that July evening in 1921 [1922], to the accompaniment of the singing of a few faithful and the clash of the bells in the old church tower, and placed on the pillar facing the site of her ancient glory. Much has changed since that day. Eight lamps now burn continually at the Shrine in honour of the Incarnation of the Son of God, presented and maintained by various groups of people, such as - Some Catholic Bankers - Settlers in South Africa - a Body of Blind Catholics, and so on. While upon the pillar against which the Image rests are many plaques testifying to the answers to prayer vouchsafed in our own days in this Holy Place. Many, too, are the candles set up in this little Sanctuary, by and on behalf of Catholics from all parts of the Empire. A book known as ''Our Lady's Book," is kept into which are written the intercessions sent to be offered here. Each evening the Rosary is said for all those who seek the prayers of Our Blessed Mother of Walsingham, and every Wednesday Mass is read in the chapel for the intentions of all who have visited the Most Holy Sacrament and sought the intercession of Our Lady at the Shrine during the past week. A number of clients of O.L.W. have linked themselves together into a Society (the S.O.L.W.) in honour of this Sanctuary and to increase devotion to the Mother of God under her title "of Walsingham." For these Mass is sung every Saturday and a monthly Requiem offered for departed members. Besides this a few scattered Catholics at home and abroad keep "spiritual watches" at the Shrine having their candles set up, and while seeking the Intercession of Our Lady are remembered here in their turn at the daily Rosary. The Hospice of Our Lady Star of the Sea was opened nearly three years ago for the accommodation of pilgrims, and others seeking the sanctuary for longer periods. This house is under the able direction of the Horbury Sisters. Here we are trying to build a little oratory for the accommodation of the community, to be dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows. A neighbouring house which has been acquired is to be adapted for men who prefer bachelor quarters to the more social life afforded at the Hospice, and will he opened at Easter. During this year (1928) there have been five "Greater Pilgrimages", consisting of the two annual events, under the guidance of the League of our Lady. These parties are not confined to members of the League, but are open to all who book places, giving, of course, the necessary recommendation of their Parochial Clergy. Father Lester Pinchard directed the May visit, and Father Roger Wodehouse led the pilgrims in August. Under the shepherding of Father Ferrier Catholics from North of the Humber came in the First Yorkshire Pilgrimage since the 16th Century. Father Fynes Clinton again brought the Catholic League, and Father Eves directed the London Pilgrimage. There have also been several organised day or Wednesday Pilgrimages, the two most conspicuous being the Kettering Anglo-Catholic and E.C.U. visit, and the second Norwich Anglo-Catholic Congress Pilgrimage; this last being the final act of the Congress held in that city last October. Groups of pilgrims have restarted the very laudable custom of presenting bannerets to the Church in commemoration of their visits. One of our ancient pilgrim tokens, or signs, has been re-struck; small images are made; books of devotion and pilgrim manuals, can now be had at the official Pilgrim Shop in the village, and from the newsagents in the High Street. A home for little boys, under the patronage of S. Hugh of Lincoln, a great servant of Our Lady, has been opened by the Holy Family Homes. These activities all centre round the devotion of the English Nazareth, and many more are the works we hope to be able to develop and establish. Of course, this all needs very generous help both to maintain and to increase our labours, and we trust the friends of Walsingham will not fail to remember us in their prayers, ntentions and good works. And so, in a little way, the ancient life, ever old and yet always n is springing up in this "Holy Land," as it was called in the days of faith, as a witness to the world of the truth that "The Word was with God, the Word was God, and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.”
The Review is a 4-page leaflet, 12" X 9", as shown in the text on the left. It has nine photographs - five of the interior of the parish church and shrine within it, and four of pilgrimages, which are shown in the thumbnails below.
pilgrims on their way to the site of the Holy House
a little group of Norfolk pilgrims
pilgrims going to the holy wells
pilgrims at the holy wells
A PILGRIMAGES Dates Already Booked for 1929. April 30th-May 2nd.—For Religious (Nuns). Conductor: The Rev. Fr. Russell Cowan. May 14th-16th.—Eighth Annual League of Our Lady May Pilgrimage. Conductor: The Rev. Fr. Humphrey- Whitby. May 21st-23rd.—The Third Catholic League Pilgrimage. Conductor: July 2nd-4th.—Birmingham and District Pilgrimage. Conductor: The Rev. Fr. Fynes Clinton. August 6th-8th.—The Second Yorkshire Pilgrimage. Conductor: August 20th-22nd.—The Seventh Annual League of Our Lady August Pilgrimage. Conductor: Other Pilgrimages will be arranged during the next few months, and particulars can be had from the Pilgrimage Secretary, Walsingham, Norfolk. Notices on the Pilgrimage of Our Lady of Walsingham. MASSES AND INTERCESSIONS. Requests for Masses and Intercessions to be offered at the Shrine must be sent to the Parish Priest or Sister Sacristan. Intercessions are entered in Our Lady's Book and are removed after five weeks, unless further application is sent in. All Answers to Prayer should be notified at once. OUR LADY'S LAMPS. Votive lamps can be presented and maintained at the Shrine. For particulars, application should be wade to the Secretary of the Lamps, S. Hugh's, Walsingham. VOTIVE CANDLES, From 1d. to 25s., can be set up on receipt of P.O. for amount : 1d. Candle Daily for 3 months 7/6 1½d. Candle Daily for 3 months 11/3 ” 6 15/0 ” 6 £1/2/6 “ 12 £1/10/0 ” 12 £2/5/0 Larger ones, prices in proportion. Profits derived from these go to the Priests' Stipend and Hospice Funds equally. Both these funds depend upon the generosity of our friends. SOCIETY OF OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM, A fraternity to bind clients of Our Lady of Walsingham together by mutual prayer and intention, and to encourage pilgrimages to Our Lady of Walsingham. Particulars. Miss M. Lloyd, Richeldis Cottage, Walsingham. LEAGUE OF OUR LADY. Conducts two Pilgrimages annually to the Shrine. All particulars can be had from the Rev. Fr. Lucy[Lury], S. Peter's Vicarage, Limehouse, E., or The Pilgrimage Secretary, Walsingham. HOSPICE OF OUR LADY STAR OF THE SEA. Fur the accommodation of Pilgrims and others seeking to visit the Shrine. Charges very moderate. Apply to the Sister in Charge. S. HUGH'S HOME (for Boys). One of the Holy Family Homes. Should be visited and supported by all clients of Our Lady. Donations to he sent to The Matron, S. Hugh's, Walsingham. PILGRIMAGES. There are three recognised methods of making the Walsingham Pilgrimages. The Little Pilgrimage, The Wednesday Pilgrimage, and the Greater Pilgrimage. Parish Priests and others intending to conduct pilgrims to the Shrine should make enquiries and application through the Secretary of the Pilgrimage Committee, Walsingham. THE CHURCH AND PILGRIM SHOP. Is the official bureau for pilgrim tokens, medals. statues of Our Lady of Walsingham, &c. PUBLICATIONS. From the Misses Banson, High Street, Walsingham, or the Church Shop. The Pilgrimage of Our Lady of Walsingham ... 6d. Pilgrimages: A Tract 2d. An English Churchman's Guide to Walsingham ... ... 9d. From the Pilgrimage Secretary. The. Scapular, by Fr. Fynes Clinton ... ... 2d. post free. WANTED. For three or four months (or part thereof) in the Summer, a Priest to read Low Mass and Evensong on Sundays at S. Peter's Church at Walsingham, in return for £1 1s. a week and a very small cottage. One who would he willing to help also with the Pilgrimages. Apply, Parish Priest, Walsingham. Extra copies of this review can be had from the Pilgrimage Secretary, Richeldis Cottage, Walsingham, price 1d. each; 7d. per dozen; 1/1½per two dozen, &c., for distribution, post free. top of page Overview page Home page

Our Lady of Walsingham

Review 1928